How To Squat Without Knee Pain: Common Errors & Most Effective Cues

When any new client preemptively expresses that squatting makes their knees hurt, I immediately take a look at their form.

A majority of our members in Straight Up Strong are women over 40, and often new to strength training - this is who I help and have had the most success with!

Squats oftentimes hurt because the form is off and a few tweaks can help decrease the discomfort.

In this video, I show the 3 most common form errors and I share my 4 most effective cues that have helped so many clients redefine their squats without pain.

Like with all physical activity, be sure to work with your doctor, especially if movements are causing you pain! We are not medical doctors or physical therapists and this content is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical conditions.

Was this video helpful? We’d love to hear from you! What questions do have? What cues helped you? What other exercises could you use support with?


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