4 Tips to Get (and Stay) Motivated

In conversations with Straight Up Strong members and friends and family, we’ve been hearing the phrase “I just can’t get motivated” repeated over and over again. 

We know that during the summer, with holidays, vacations, and hot and humid weather, the idea of getting in that workout can easily fall to the bottom of the priority list.  This is so normal and nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about! 

The secret, however, is not that you need motivation to take action - taking action is the actual motivator.

Motivation is literally defined as the reason behind our actions or behaving a certain way. And sometimes, an alternative habit or behavior is going to be MORE motivating than the behavior you are trying to build consistency with (I.e. binge session of Manifest or Below Deck instead of a workout)

When our members are struggling to get back into a consistent routine of intentional movement, our first recommendation is to start with a focus on just 10: 10 minutes. 10 steps. 10 reps.  

A small but manageable chunk of an activity that we can take action on that is VERY likely to lead to wanting to do 10 more. Because the reward of those 10 creates a desirable feeling that is likely going to then keep you wanting to go!

So, taking that initial action, actually becomes the motivation to keep going!

Our top 4 tips for building up consistency with a training routine? 

  1. Start small!  As described above, starting with 10 minutes 2-3 days a week can go a long way to building the consistency and habit of movement into your week.  You do not need an hour a day, everyday, of high intensity movement to “count!”  And, especially when busy, or relaxing in the summer, that can feel insurmountable!  

  2. Make it easy! If the additional commute to and from the gym or studio is adding to the time crunch for you, eliminate it! That’s right, home workouts can be super effective for building strength and endurance and there are so many studios (like Straight Up Strong!) that offer classes and structured programs to support you with consistency and reaching your goals! The myth of home workouts not counting as real workouts is busted - and if you’re never utilizing that gym membership, is it really a “better” workout than a home workout?  Nope!

  3. Schedule it into your day!  That’s right, look at your calendar and seek out times of opportunity to squeeze in a quick 10 minute walk at lunch, a 30 minute strength session before work, the dance class you have been looking forward to trying. Write this appointment with yourself on your calendar and then show up for that appointment!  Pre-registering for a class can also help to keep that appointment!  Likewise, looking at your schedule for potential barriers throughout the week can better help you figure out when to schedule those training and movement sessions!  

  4. Have a fitness friend or community to train with!  Not only does having a friend (or 30!)  to train with add fun and a built cheerleader, but it also can really solidify that appointment you’ve made for training - it’s less likely you will cancel or no show on an appointment with someone else than if it is an appointment with yourself!  

If you have been having difficulty building or rebuilding a consistent habit with movement and training,         , we hope that these tips will support you to jump on in this week!  Yes, this week! There is no better time than right now.  There will never be a perfect time to start or restart.  

We would love to hear from you: which tips are you going to try or have tried?  What questions do you have?

Coach Tina Discusses How to Get Motivated to Workout!


6 Ways to Make Your Home Workouts More Challenging: Without Adding Weight!